- Date: 2024/09/27 09h 32m
- Telescope: Solarmax 40
- Mount: RST-135 + Xiletu L-404C​
- Camera: ZWO ASI174MM Mini + 2x Barlow lens
- Exposure: Gain 200, 15ms, 40% stack out of 1000 frames
- Software: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, ImPPG, Photoshop

'하늘 사진 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

2024-09-26 태양  (0) 2024.09.26
2024-09-16 태양  (0) 2024.09.16
2024-09-15 태양  (0) 2024.09.15
2024-09-14 태양  (0) 2024.09.14
2024-09-08 태양  (0) 2024.09.08

- Date: 2024/09/26
- Telescope: Solarmax 40
- Mount: RST-135 + Xiletu L-404C
- Camera: ZWO ASI174MM Mini + 2x Barlow lens
- Exposure: Gain 200, 4ms, 70% stack out of 1000 frames
- Software: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, ImPPG, Photoshop

'하늘 사진 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

2024-09-27 태양  (0) 2024.09.27
2024-09-16 태양  (0) 2024.09.16
2024-09-15 태양  (0) 2024.09.15
2024-09-14 태양  (0) 2024.09.14
2024-09-08 태양  (0) 2024.09.08

2024. 9. 24. 22h 49m
Eos R8 + RF 600mm f11

'하늘 사진 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

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